IMA Ibérica

Assistance services for Spain and Portugal

IMA Ibérica is the office of the Inter Mutuelles Assistance Group for Spain and Portugal. We have been providing high-quality assistance services for more than 26 years; and ensure maximum efficacy in all of our work.


Thanks to our outstanding ability to fulfill the needs of our customers, IMA Ibérica has gained the trust of key domestic and international companies. We provide means, resources and experience on behalf of our customers; we work under their brand and have earned a consolidated position as their strategic partner.

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Elements of our DNA

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality

At IMA Ibérica, quality is a standard that flourishes from the inside out and is reflected and applied to your collaboration with providers, Key Account customers, end customers and all agents we work with.

Our Quality Management system has been recognised by the Spanish association AENOR, which certifies that IMA Ibérica's activity meets the guidelines of Quality standard ISO 9001:2015.