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IMA Ibérica regards its providers as partners and a real intervention brigade.

We work on a daily basis to offer a comprehensive experience to all our beneficiaries and to generate a sense of satisfaction, peace of mind and safety. While we work towards this goal, we need a network of reliable providers that are committed and engaged and ensure service that meets IMA requirements.

In this context, and in many others, it is safe to say that we can rely on an excellent network. Our providers collaborate with us as real partners and their excellent work makes us stand out from other assistance companies.

Our network of providers is a strategic piece in IMA Ibérica's service. For this reason, we provide everything they need and strive to improve their work processes:

• Resolution, promptness and availability of our assistance technicians
• Respect for the provider's corporate image; no vehicle labelling
• Availability of Network Department
• End-to-end commitment to handled cases
• Simple work operations
• Innovation and development of new digital tools to expedite processes and facilitate provider management
• Training to increase their skills and ensure workplace safety

If you would like to join our Network of Providers, please contact us at: